If you are riding a dirt bike and you are short, I am sure you would experience a lot of trouble while riding and this is because it is much harder for short riders to stabilize when riding which however for tall riders it is much easier
To minimize the difficulties that low riders experience, I’ve written some tips to help you ride a lot better and more effectively and equally overcome all the difficulties that short riders face when riding
So let’s start
Here are the 8 the tips
- 1. Improve your balance
- 2. Buy a small dirt bikes
- 3. Buy a lower seat
- 4. Buy a high sole boots
- 5. Buy a light dirt bike
- 6. Make sure there is a high ground when you stop
- 7. Know how to get on the motorcycle (for very short riders)
- 8. Ride confidently regardless of your height
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1. Improve your balance
Maybe the number one challenge that short dirt bike riders face is the inability to touch their feet on the ground which makes it a lot more difficult to balance well and ride comfortably.
And because of that, it is very important for you to try as much as possible to touch your leg on the ground as well as other methods you can use in order to maintain good balance, therefore to achieve that you will need to work on these 3 exercises
- Practice not touching the ground – You need to practice riding without touching your feet on the ground and to do this place your feet on the pegs without touching the ground and start practicing it at low speed, slowly and with the time you will be able to ride without touching the ground even at high speeds
- Look for higher ground – higher ground is very helpful because you be able to put your feet down and get more balance. I would even recommend you look for rocks or large stones where you can place your foot from time to time
- One foot down – as a short rider when you sit on the seat you will not be able to touch both of your feet in the ground and because of that, I recommend for you to always put one feet on the ground anytime you are losing balance and shift your weight toward that leg in order to stabilize
2. Buy a small dirt bike
Well this is a pretty obvious tip, but I still see so many riders that still but high dirt bikes that do not fit their short height which prevents them from touching the ground
In addition, I strongly advise you not to buy dirt bikes over the internet and instead go to a physical store and check out the dirt bikes yourself and check out what is more convenient for you, and don’t forget to wear boots because they add a few inches to your highest
If you are looking for a dirt bike that will fit perfectly for short riders I highly recommend reading this post I wrote click here to view
And if you don’t know how to get a stable dirt bike that is appropriate for your height, you can also read the guide I wrote that will show you how to do it click here to view
3. Buy a lower seat
If you already have dirt bikes that do not fit your height you can buy a much lower seat so you can touch the ground
Just buy a lower seat and replace the one it came with. It is really a very simple process and gradually you will get comfortable in it and be able to touch the ground more comfortably.
4. Buy a high sole boots
One of the simplest things you can do in a very short time but has the most effective result is to buy big riding boots that have a very high sole which will help you add a few inches of height, which will help you get to the ground more easily
In fact, there are manufacturers and companies that make high boots especially for short riders. However, there are 3 main types of high boots that lots of riders get confused with
- The first boot type is a boot that simply has a thicker sole that will only add to your height but that is really not good and doesn’t give stability
- The second type of boot is a kind of boot that has a high heel and high front but has a hole in the middle as you can see in the picture below (this is the best type of boots for short riders)
- And the third boot types are those that have only a high heel that is not good and doesn’t give stability
The second boot is much more effective for short riders and it will help you to be more confident and in control of your terrain. An advantage that the first boots and the third boots I showed you would not provide.
5. Buy a light dirt bike
One of the things you will need to make sure before buying a dirt bike is to check that the weight of the dirt bike is light and not heavy. This is because it can be very uncomfortable especially for short riders to ride on heavy dirt bikes.
In fact, light bike are considered to be bikes that weigh around 200 pounds, for example, the FX5 Mountain Moto and the KTM 450SX-F are dirt bikes that weigh under 100 kg (220 pounds) and considered to be among the lightest dirt bikes in the world
And if you already have heavy bikes, you can reduce their weight by removing or replacing heavy equipment and parts
- Pro tip – If you have a heavy dirt bike; always endeavor to use your legs and not the upper part of your body whenever you want to move. This is because your legs are stronger than your upper body.
6. Make sure there is high ground when you stop
So many short riders make the mistake of stopping on low ground, and what’s the problem with that you may want to ask? The reason is that when you stop on low ground, it will be difficult for your leg to touch the ground, now this will cause instability for you and can make you to lose balance and control of your bike which can be quite dangerous.
And because of that, it’s very important that you always stop on high ground so you can get your feet to the ground more conveniently.
I would personally advise you to look for objects that have an area on which you can put a foot like rocks, or a sidewalk that can be a perfect solution to stop safely
7. Know how to get on the motorcycle (for very short riders)
Most of the short riders who are short sized but not in extreme can get on a dirt bike without a problem but on the other hand, if you are a very short rider in a very extreme way, so maybe the big challenge you have to cope with is how to get on the bike Successfully
A lot of riders who are very low think there is no way in the world that they will be able to get on the bike without help but that is a wrong assumption and in fact most riders do not know how to get on the bike in a good way and because of that there are 2 tips that would help you
- Throw your weight into the seat – a lot of riders are more focused on their legs when trying to get on the dirt bikes but it’s very ineffective and because of that to get on the seat effectively, you need to focus as much as possible on moving your weight to the seat with all the parts of the body which will help you a lot
- At once – Instead of trying to get on the dirt bike slowly try to climb it at once, which would help you and don’t forget to focus on all parts of the body at the same time to gain higher momentum
8. Ride confidently regardless of your height
As a short rider, you might have difficult time riding on a dirt bike but don’t let that ever stop you no matter what.
I know so many short riders who have the desire and very much want to ride a dirt bike but they don’t do it because they think their short height won’t allow them, but it’s actually not true, in fact even short riders have more advantages in certain areas than high riders like agility, more Comfort when riding, and more. So remember to always look at the full glass because I will finish the post at the next trial that …
Need dirt bike safety gear? Click here to buy safety gear for dirt bike riding on amazon , or go check my sales pages of recommended safety gear page click here to view.
“Don’t let your size, deter you from becoming a better rider.”
Thanks for reading until next time