Lots of new riders ask me if they can ride on 1000 cc motorcycles and also what engine power is most recommended for beginners, and so I have written this post where I will show you all the things you need to know about 1000 cc motorcycles.
So, let’s get started.
Can beginner riders ride on a 1000 cc motorcycle? 1000 cc motorcycles are definitely very dangerous for beginner riders, and it doesn’t matter how good you think you are, because as long as you have no particular motorcycle riding experience, it’s very dangerous for you to start riding a 1000 cc motorcycle.
Why are 1000 cc motorcycles dangerous?
1000 cc motorcycles are dangerous for beginners because they are very fast and are designed for races. They can accelerate very quickly from 0 to 100 kph, compared to a smaller sized engine that accelerates much more slowly.
The problem with 1000 cc motorcycles for beginner riders is that you will ride them in order not to crash, and you won’t learn how to ride on a motorcycle properly. If you make one mistake, it is all over. If you really want to be a good rider you will have to start by riding motorcycles with smaller engines, and only after you have real experience and have trained properly can you switch to larger engines.
For example, if you were a learner driver, no one would let you drive a Ferrari without any previous experience in a simple car. You simply could not control the Ferrari because its speed and performance are so powerful, and you would drive in such a way as to avoid having an accident, rather than learning to drive properly.
You need to understand that 1000 cc motorcycles are not fatal but they will not be forgiving if you make a mistake or have an accident, which you will inevitably do when learning to ride.
I know so many beginner riders who thought they were good riders even though they had not touched a motorcycle once in their life, and yet they rode a 1000 cc motorcycle and died. I don’t want to be too blunt, but you really have to be dumb to ride a 1000 cc motorcycle when you’re just starting out.
On the other hand, lower-intensity motorcycles will enable you to make mistakes without hurting yourself in a significant way that would endanger your life.
What is the most recommended cc engine for beginner riders?
Relatively small engines between 250 cc to 400 cc will be great for beginners, mainly because they will give you good average speeds at which you can control them. Plus, you can make mistakes without endangering yourself too much.
However, I don’t recommend motorcycles with 125 cc or less because they are very slow and many countries, especially the United States, do not agree to use too small motorcycle engines.
However, motorcycles of 600 cc or higher are very dangerous for beginners because they are very difficult to control and they accelerate very fast and can reach high speeds.
Motorcycles like the Kawasaki Ninja 250 or Yamaha YZF-R3 are amazing for beginner riders. If you want to see which motorcycles are good for beginners, I highly recommend you go and check out the post I wrote that shows you the best 300 cc motorcycles on the market today. Click here to see.
If you want to see more about cc engines and how to choose which power engine is right for you, I highly recommend you read this post.
In this post, I showed you all the things you need to know about 1000 cc motorcycles and why they’re dangerous for beginner riders. It is recommended that beginners use motorcycles with engines between 250 cc and 400 cc.
Thanks for your riding. Until next time.