Cleaning and washing your dirt bike is one of the most important things you need to do to maintain your bike and lots of people are very confused when and how often they should clean their dirt bike
So how often should I wash my dirt bike? You need to clean your dirt bike at least after every ride and if you have no time to clean your dirt bike so the roof is after two rides because if you will not clean the dirt bike after every riding the mud and dirt will stick to the dirt bike frame which making them stick and almost impossible to remove them
How To Properly Wash A Dirt Bike?
Washing your dirt bike is maybe the most important thing you need to do in order to maintain it. In fact, cleaning your dirt bike in the wrong way can cause a lot of damage. Because of that, I have written all the steps and things you need to know before you start cleaning your dirt bike.
What equipment do you need to wash your dirt bike?
- Hosepipe
- Dirt bike stand
- Brush
- Duct tape
- Towel
- Water
- Dish soap
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Recommended cleaning products
- Exhaust plug– The role of the exhaust plug is to prevent water from entering the sensitive parts of the dirt bike like the airbox or the air filter, therefore, it is very important to buy some of these on Amazon. Click here to view.
- Material for polishing the dirt bike – If you want your dirt bike to be shiny and look good, I highly recommend this material makes your dirt bike shiny and smooth in an amazing way. I found good at a very cheap price on Amazon. Click here to view.
- Chain cleaner – Another very important thing is that you have a decent chain cleaner. I personally recommend This product cleans the chain perfectly and I found it at a very cheap price on Amazon. Click here to view.
- Rags- It’s very important to buy good quality rags so that you can dry your dirt bike well, I personally recommend microfiber rags.
- Wash gloves- These are not something that must be bought, but I personally recommend them to anyone who likes to see their dirt bike shiny because even after you have washed your dirt bike, you always leave pieces of dirt so the wash glove removes the remaining dirt easily.
Step 1: Remove the sensitive parts of the dirt bike
Before you start cleaning the dirt bike there are some parts that you will have to disassemble so as not to cause damage. Not doing so could cost you a lot of money to fix things if they get ruined.
Remove the seat – the first thing you have to disassemble is the seat because the foam inside will absorb water quickly, which can damage your seat. In addition, after you clean your dirt bike you will have to clean your seat and re-tighten the screws.
Remove the air filter – if water enters the air filter inside the dirt bike you can do a lot of damage, not only to the air filter but to the whole bike. So, believe me, take off the air filter! You’ll thank me later.
Block the exhaust pipe – it is very important to block all the sensitive parts of the dirt bike, especially the exhaust pipe. I personally recommend blocking it with an exhaust plug but if you don’t have one, rubber or duct tape can do the job.
Cover parts – there are some parts that you do not have to disassemble however, you will have to cover them for example, the airbox, scarf and your engine. I recommend using exhaust plugs, rubber or glue to cover them.
Step 2: Stand your dirt bike up
Before you start the rinsing process it is important to stand the dirt bike up.
I highly recommend buying a stand and they’re usually very cheap and you can place it anywhere. If you do not want to invest in one, you can always use a stool or chair.
I don’t recommend you that you clean your dirt bike in the garden because after that it is very difficult to clean the floor from dirt, mud and sand. I recommend cleaning the dirt bike in your driveway or where the water and the dirt can dry up easily.
Step 3: Wash the dirt bike with a hosepipe
Before you start washing your bike, you need to know which tools and detergent to use, and how to wash it. Now I will tell you all the things you need to know about washing the dirt bike.
So, after blocking the sensitive parts the next step is to clean the dirt bike. This is perhaps the most important part of the whole process and you must be very careful.
The first thing you need to start washing your dirt bike is a hosepipe and not a washing machine. Lots of riders think it’s okay to wash their dirt bikes with a washing machine, but the truth is that a washing machine can cause huge damage to the bike, especially the plastic and graphics parts.
And I know that it is much easier to use a washing machine and not a hosepipe, but the problem is that washing dirt bikes in a washing machine can put water into very sensitive and important parts.
So, as I said, you will need to clean your dirt bike with a hosepipe but it is very important to be careful not to put water into sensitive parts.
Step 4: Clean the wheels and frame
So, after you’ve washed your dirt bike it’s time to scrub and clean the wheels and frame.
To scrub the wheels and frame you need to use a brush and dishwashing liquid. By the way, I use this excellent brush and I highly recommend it from Amazon.
It is very important to thoroughly clean the wheels and frame from mulching and sand and to be sure that you do not leave unnecessary dirt.
In addition, after you have finished cleaning the dirt bike, I recommend taking all the mud and sand and putting it in a bucket to keep the environment clean.
Step 5: Scrub the dirt bike
After you’ve finished removing all the dirt it’s time to do another rinse to make sure your dirt bike is clean.
The last thing you will have to do is put soap or liquid into a bucket with hot water and begin to clean all parts of the dirt bike thoroughly.
I personally recommend using a sponge to clean your bike but you can also use a brush or even a glove.
Step 6: Drying
After finishing the washing and cleaning process, it is time to let it dry.
Take a dry towel or shirt and start wiping the dirt bike.
I personally recommend you try using a dry towel or even a shirt or some cotton fabric to see which dries your bike fastest.
If you have difficult areas to dry and you want to go out on the dirt bike, I recommend using an air compressor to dry the difficult areas.
In addition, you should not dry your dirt bike in front of the sun because the sun does a great deal of damage to the color and graphics therefore, I recommend letting it dry in a shady place.
Step 7: Clean the chain
After you dry the dirt bike it’s time to clean the chain. It is very important to remove the chain before cleaning it.
To wash the chain, I highly recommend using WD-40 Multi-Purpose Lubricant.
When cleaning the chain it is important to scrub it perfectly so as not to leave unnecessary dirt.
Step 8: Turn on the engine
I recommend turning the engine on for a few minutes to burn unnecessary water from the engine however, compressed air can easily dry out excess water in the engine.
Step 9: Oil the chain and iron components
It is very important to oil the chain and the iron components that are in dirt bikes. Many riders forget to lubricate the iron parts of their dirt bike.
Oiling the iron parts helps prevent them from becoming rusty.
Step 10: Return all parts
After you finish the entire process of washing and cleaning it is time to check that there is no extra water in the dirt bike. I would even recommend dismantling the dirt bike to make sure all parts are normal.
After checking that there is no water it’s time to return all the parts that had been removed such as, the air box, the air filter and the seat.
What to avoid when washing your dirt bike
- Entry of water to sensitive parts – It is very important to avoid the introduction of water into the internal parts of the dirt bike as this can cause huge damage. To avoid this I highly recommend using an exhaust plug to prevent water infiltration into sensitive parts.
- Cleaning with a washing machine – A lot of riders think that rinsing dirt bikes with a washing machine is fine, but the truth is that if the frame of your dirt bike is not strong enough, the washing machine can easily destroy the plastic parts and the graphics. Therefore, I highly recommend using only a hosepipe in order to avoid damaging your dirt bike.
- Drying the dirt bike in front of the sun – Drying the dirt bike in front of the sun can cause huge damage to the graphics and color, therefore, I recommend drying the dirt bike in a shaded place like your home or the garage.
- Do not squirt water on sensitive parts – The truth is that even after blocking the sensitive parts of the dirt bike like the engine air box and seat, does not mean that they are perfectly water resistant. If you spray water at high force on the sensitive parts, you can easily insert water into it. Therefore, I highly recommend splashing the water at low pressure and to not spill water directly into the sensitive parts.
- Do not let the bike stay dirty – A let their dirt bikes get dirty from mud and sand and then they let them sit for a long time without cleaning them. The problem is that the mud sticks to the dirt bike and the longer it sticks to the parts, the harder it will be to remove it. That’s why it’s very important to clean your dirt bike right after riding, especially if it’s very dirty.
Related Questions
How do I clean areas that are difficult to reach? To clean areas that are hard to reach you can use an air compressor.
Why is it important to clean my dirt bike? It is important to clean the dirt bike because if it is left for too long, the mud and dirt will stick and it can be very difficult to remove the dirt afterwards.
When should I clean the dirt bike? You should clean it after every ride in dirty areas like mud and sand.
To summarize, today I showed you all the things you need to know to start cleaning and washing your bike. It is always important to remember these things:
- Do not dry the dirt bike in front of the sun
- Do not leave them dirty for too long without cleaning them
- Do not squirt water on sensitive parts
- Block sensitive parts such as the airbox and engine
- Do not clean the dirt bike with a washing machine
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Thanks for your riding. Until next time.